What is Initiative and Enterprise Skill And its Importance

“Initiative is readiness and ability in initiating action and "initiative and enterprise means making improvements" One of the usual complaints of employers in different sectors of work is that even though their employees do possess the requisite technical skills, they lack the appropriate personal skills, right attitude and behavior to be result-oriented in the workplace.
 Initiative is readiness to begin something new. Initiatives are necessary for execution of work, change and development. Generally speaking, the motivation for an initiative arises from a desire to accomplish something that would benefit the enterprise, such as improving productivity, reducing costs or increasing market share. It begins with thinking creatively considering novel options, coming up with innovative approach and solutions, identifying new opportunities which are generally not conceived by others, taking the necessary action to turn ideas into reality. Your performance is the main indicator of your work progress. Therefore, there is need to focus on improving your performance. In the corporate world, an open attitude helps you to move higher in the corporate ladder. Your work will display your flexibility workers to changing as per the needs of the management. You must have observed that some organization is very much visible, much more than others. These are the people who get into the good books of their seniors and bosses through consistent good performing

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