What is Advertising Means

Advertising aims at building a relationship between a brand and its consumers. To advertise means, to make generally or publicly known; describe publicly with a view to involving sales'. Advertising establishes a link between the customers and the sellers. It involves reaching out to the masses with the help of a message and the aim is to sell a product or a service. 'The medium of communication are numerous ranging from the newspapers, magazines, road side hoardings to the most popular medium i.e. television or even the radio.

The very term 'Advertising' denotes those activities by which visual or oral messages are addressed to selected public for the purpose of informing and influencing them to buy products or services or to act or to be inclined favorably towards ideas, persons, trademarks or institutions featured. As contrasted with publicity and other forms of propaganda, advertising messages are identified with the advertiser either by commercial transaction involving payment to publishers, broadcasters, or others whose media are employed.

Advertising is only one way the media affects society however. Developing over the past century, the mass media has become all-pervasive, taking on a central role in politics, culture and economics. The media is keeping pace with the rate of technological change and the Internet, with the result that companies are now seeking highly flexible, quick-minded employees.

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