Textile Design & Development Course in Hisar
The Textile Design & Development course in Hisar has inputs which has both design and technology. The textile designing course is designed to explain the concept of textile design from the stage of the original fiber till the final product. The textile designing course is a two/three year bachelors/master course after graduation/10+2 and includes inputs of textile, sketching, printing, weaving and computer application to cover woven, print and embroidery designs in It is also worth remembering however that courses are designed to stimulate intellectual and Vocational abilities in Hisar. You may well develop an interest in a subject or a specialty you had never previously considered. Your initial choice of course will depend on a mix of factors including your age, educational attainment, career ambition, ability and temperament in Hisar. Obviously it is important to make the best choice.
within a fairly narrow range of price style and type of fabric. Jn a small firm supplying boutiques the demand will be for many more original ideas, style, shape silhouette, color and fabric. In some situations the designer will be expected to produce ideas and sketches only in other there may be a requirement to produce the pattern, the sample garment, and perhaps to prepare everything for production in the factory.
Careers in Clothing/garment Industry' the fashion and clothing industry makeup wide variety of products which require different marketing and production consideration, The industry can be divided in three basic ways
1,By size of company (either large or small),
2, By fashion content (high fashion or low fashion
3, By garment type-tailored or casual outerwear or light clothing (dress and lingerie).
It is evident that the various combination that are possible from these three types make an interesting, but perhaps confusing image of the industry as a whole. For instance, a company making very high fashion dresses for the teenage market will probably be making them in fairly small quantities as the needs of the customer change so rapidly. This means the accent will be more on producing up to the minute fashion garments which can be delivered quickly but less on highly organized methods of production; On the other hand a clothing company making shirts which are sold in the High Street Chain Stores concentrates on production efficiency. Garments will be produced in large quantities at a value-for-money price using advanced technology. Fewer accents will be placed on design considerations.
At the other extremes will be the high priced high quality men's suit made for an individual customer. It is assembled by a few crafts-people skilled in cutting, fitting and making a high quality single garment.
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